Platform updates – Spring 2024

I started in January very optimistically doing these updates as a monthly thing, but alas, it’s already May now, so let’s call this the spring edition!

There’s a few new big features we’ve focussed on in the last couple of months. Whilst @Noa_Heutz has been making progress with the new dashboards for Country Manager and the Quality Team (more to come there soon), I’ve made some improvements to the social features in the app.

If you don’t have the latest version yet, now’s the moment to update!

A more active social feed

In the social feed (second tab in the app!), you can now not only see new artworks added, but also people spotting and liking artworks, as well as community notes about artworks having been removed, tagged, etc.

This now also shows the verification badges we assign to certain types of users, to give you a quick view on if someone is a hunter, moderator or core team member.

Artwork history feed

Within the artwork details page, we now show both community notes, but also all the recent edits made by hunters and moderators to the artwork. This allows you to see if a hunter has actioned a community note that mentions a correction for an artist name or the removal of an artwork.

Comments added to community notes are also now shown publicly in this feed.

Better marker clustering on web

Based on feedback, we’ve changed how markers are clustered on the map on the website, to make it easier to see multiple artworks that are very close to each other. The map now shows a little popup with all the markers in an area if there are too many to show on the highest zoom level.

Alternative names for cities and artists

Moderators now have the ability to add alternative names for cities and artists. This is great for making sure that users can search for both the English and localised city names (like Cologne and Köln), or artists known by multiple names.

Currently only mods can add these names, but once we have tested this a bit more, we will roll it out to more types of users.

You’ve given us lots of really useful feedback over the last weeks and months, and our apologies if it looks like we’re moving slowly on progressing in some of these areas, we’re a very small team and always trying to find more time to work on new features.

Happy hunting!


I absolutely adore that active social feed! It’s the first thing I check in the morning.
Love to see all the interaction, from new artworks being uploaded to artworks being liked and flagged as seen or removed.


Exactly!!! very very useful feature as user, and mod:)!

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