Postcard giveaway after a street art tour

Hi fellow hunters,

How are you doing? A few weeks ago @Streetartwerpenaar and I started brainstorming about a nice little giveaway that we can give to people after a street art tour. Business card are nice but a bit boring, don’t you think? We wanted something that people can talk about and will remember. We came up with the idea of creating a postcard. Check it out!!!



I hear you thinking…that’s great but why a postcard.
Well…you send or give a postcard to someone when you want to share something. Sometimes you just want to share a great experience or show someone that they definitly need to see this too. When the tour is over people are exited and want to talk about it. I always tell them that there is a lot more street art to explore and show them the map on the postcard. They immediatly start looking at the others cities and downloading the app. By giving these postcard away these street art lovers can also explore and enjoy other street art cities.

Become a hunter
We also want to activate some new hunters and street art lovers by showing them our instagram and hashtags. Maybe they want to follow us, share there love on there own social media account or even become a hunter for there city.

Visit the map or download the app!
If we have a lot of active users we can spread the word faster. Why?

  • Hunters want to work harder to get there city in the app
  • Toerists want to explore your city faster when it’s easy to find the murals
  • For potential partners it’s more interesting to collaborate with Street Art Cities and when they do that, it’s easier to develop more awesome tools. (read Bart’s forum article)
  • Photographers, text writers, artists, etc. wants to help us faster if we have have a huge community because they can also benefit from it.

Share the love
If you want to share these postcards as well just send me an email ( and I’ll send you all the files so you can promote your city and our community! Don’t you want new street art lovers in your city as well?

If you have an awesome new idea or just want to add something to the postcard just let us know! Of course we are open for suggestions. As Bart always says: “Teamwork makes the dream work” haha



Yes yes! We talked about it already, so no further reply from me, other then… I’me curious how the others deal with this up until now. What do you think of Sanne’s design and her reasoning behind it. Is it a need for all hunters?

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