How we make sure SAC remains free

Dear Everyone (and @Streetartmadrid),

Let me involve you a little bit into the financial part of our mission. I think it’s not only important for you, but I see there was this post about us making money of of everybody’s work. That’s false, and I would love to clarify this and see what you guys think of our first products.

We defined a mission to document the entire planet as the first initiative, to do so. We built a simple platform that would allow us to do so and launched it this year. ‘Suddenly’ likeminded passionate hunters hooked up with us and started to collaborate. The uploads, your idea’s, your passion our team and the chemistry that connects it all is beyond expectations.

We never expected this level of enthusiasm of everyone, and the speed in which we need to keep improving, based on your wishes, opportunities and team ideas grows. So does the need for solid and independant income stream. Money, so to speak.

Currently we finance this ourselves blabla, you know the drill. Many, many hours and muchos dineros are thrown at it by all of you, and our core team Thomas, Sanne, Tim, Ahsan and I. Our team currently invests about 2-3 days a week in this. That’s a lot of work for zero pay. We would love to be able to pay our team at least a little bit for the time invested. I guess you can understand that. But it doesn’t stop there, we want to expand our platform, we have hosting bills, we pay rent for our offices, we want to implement more features that you’d love and we have a few crazy ideas for 2018 that will involve artists in our platform as well.

Without any money in the bank, this is really hard. Simple economics so far, right?

We defined a few products to help us increase that low balance on our bank account, while improving the experience for street art lovers and our beloved hunter community. Fasten your seatbelts, here we go;

City Insights
will be targeted at Municipalities and tourismbureaus of all the towns in the SAC network
A simple small sticker in the right bar that says on top of a skyline picture of the city whos map your viewing.
Municipalities will have some info on relevant data (think of most popular artist in town, number of visitors, popularity in comparison to other city’s etc). They will not have influence in content of the community, we might consider a few relevant markers that they can add tho. Only if relevant for our audience. Not sure yet.
Visitors of the map will be able to see the cities skyline and see some info on that place
This way the municipality supports the network, the people visiting the map have more info and the community is supported by the local government.

Festival App
Targeted at streetart festivals
We would love to provide street art festival organisations the technical means to reach their visitors in the most simple and complete way possible. We think we can run their communications with our app & map infrastructure. Technically a copy of our system, but then for as long as the festival lasts. We would also like to explore the possibility of arranging deals between you and the organisation. That is, if you would love to visit and make hunt for new artworks to document.

will be targeted at artists
Artists have a hard time getting their web stuff up and running (we asked 20ish random artists). We would love to help them by exporting a custom map, from our network, to their website. This way they can showcase their works to potential clients without investing heaps of time to build it themselves (if they can, that is).

White label infrastructure
will be targeted for a limited amount of time at all kinds of organisations
Totally not related to all of you, but we think, the app and the platform is technically a gem. So for a limited amount of time, we will offer the tech, with an empty map and no logo’s/styling to organisations that have data, related to a location.

Especially the first three products will reinforce the community we think, they feel like pretty obvious products, and possibly nice partners for our platform. They Whitelabel is a product we hope can kickstart the revenue a bit. But, we love the first three more though.

The first potential customer might be Municipality Hasselt. We’re in contact with them and the hunter and we’re working out a deal that also includes a non financial small donation to the community. More info on that if this thread starts to pop off!

So yes, we hope we can generate some revenue, to give goodies back to the community, to pay our bills, to keep developing the platform and hopefully even help the core team land a job that actually pays.

Curious to see your ideas on generating revenue while strengthening the community! Who would help us out connecting us to someone from tourism/culture in your local municipality?



I totally get you.
Streetart in La Bañeza is promoted through the NON profit festival ArtAeroRap. It’s a project with a lot of passion behind, but it seems like nowadays most of the ppl only do things for profit, so we get a lot of messages and people asking us how much money we make out of the festival.
People can’t imagine anymore working hard on something just for the joy of it’s beauty.

Big up for this project that is getting so huge. Congrats for the hours of work, for bringing hunter together, for the passion and all the love behind SAC. You guys rock!!!



First of all…I LOVE YOUR GIF @Bart <3 haha
Thanks for explaining it to the rest of the community.

@Tinka sometimes it’s good that people are reminding us why we all started this at the first place, but it can also be annoying as hell haha.


Great to get so insight in this, also gives us ideas about new things to come !


It also takes some getting used to on our side. We’ve never developed something this big, with a passionate community at it’s heart. Communication is key tho, so we try to communicate relevant matters on our side, but I also hope the rest of the community does that whenever something is happening, missing or improvements could be made.

Personally I’me not a FB fan, I really love this forum tho, offers way more structure to our discussions. So keep comming back here people! :slight_smile:

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I don’t know if it would apply here, but if you are thinking about creating additional functinality and products, for example the festivals map, and so on, you might consider crowd funding. I guess the question would be, what would your funders get back (not a financial return, but what’s in it for them?)?

Upfest had a successful crowdfunding campaign last year to raise funds to make the festival happen, and they achieved their target.

I expect you have looked at this already, but it might be worth considering.



I really like the idea, and you could combine that with a personal investment to get the funding going. I’me having a hard time guessing if theres actually a ton of people that would fund (whatever we need funded). Because, the product is already there right? The network, the mapping software is sort of already live. To get the team fully on board is not really a sexy kickstarter project I believe. Any ideas on that?

For now we’re also trying to write to some subsidies and other investments that don’t want anything in return. If that fails we might consider a loan at a bank even… and then it would be wise to double down a substantial amount of that into a kickstarter campaign?



i am redoing our festivals website and i would like to add an logo of SAC and if possible to embed the map of la bañeza.

Are there any logo packs?
How can i embed the map?

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Hi Tinka,

Sorry for the late response. Please check your email :wink:

Cheers, Sanne

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