New Hunter from Heidelberg, Germany

Hi there, My name is Sandra, I’m from Heidelberg and I loooove StreetArt for years.

I’ve been thrilled with StreetArt since I discovered my first painting by HERAKUT on an unused billboard in 2010. It was like an epiphany :innocent: :smile:

Happy me, since 2015 there’s also a StreetArt Festival in Heidelberg - METROPOLINK Festival - for which I do guided tours by bike through lovely Heidelberg.

I’m happy to be here :slight_smile:


Hi Sandra,

Welcome fellow street art guide. Heidelberg looks like a cool destination to visit.
I saw your first uploads, I took the liberty to add some additional info with our ‘marker tags’ feature.

This info makes the Metropolink festival searchable now

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Hi Tim,

Thanks a lot! I‘ll keep it in mind for the next uploads.


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Hey Sandra,

I’m kind of a nerd in that, loving to add all the info I can find.
I also checked out your hunter profile, now it has the ‘standard’ and boring ‘Member of the Street Art Cities community’ intro.

Don’t forget to add some more info about you and your street art love.
And last but not least, I see you added your IG account, perfect for our community to find you and reach out when visiting.
You can also add in your IG bio you’re a SAC hunter. Typically our hunters add ’ Heidelberg hunter for the @streetartcities community ’
It helps us to quickly identify hunters on IG too if we want to repost.
Have a great weekend


welcome Sandra to streetartcities community


Hi Sandra, welcome! Nice to have you on board!

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