Hello dearest hunters,
We can no longer deny it: our favorite street art platform is more popular than ever. The growth is unprecedented and surpasses our expectations.
Many new hunters are joining, more and more cities see the potential to collaborate with us, artists recognize the quality of our platform and want to claim their profiles, and our Best Off Awards are going viral.
This success didn’t come out of nowhere; it’s the result of years of work by hunters and the people behind the scenes.
To maintain this success and sustain our growth, we have been working hard on something new over the past few months: implementing Country Managers and a Quality Team.
Our focus is now on ensuring the effective operation of the Country Manager role, with support for the hunters and the tools that our development team has created specifically for this role.
Some specific tasks for which a Country Manager is responsible:
- Handling new hunter requests
- Following up with new hunters and providing assistance where needed
- Serving as a point of contact for hunters in the country they’re responsible for
- Monitoring street art-related events in their country and sending local hunters into the field
Our current active Country Managers:
- Spain: Marie José
- The Netherlands: Edwin & Rian
- Belgium: Erwin
- Lithuania: Kristina
- France: Isabelle
- USA: Angie
Serena (specifically for Phoenix, Arizona) - Portugal: Anita (a Dutch native living in Portugal)
- Australia: Andrew Haysom
Check here if your Hunting Ground has a CM:
Dashboard → Team