Artist duplicates

I noticed some artists are in the system multiple times. Is there any way to merge these together, so all works from one artist appears in the same page?


  • Ox Alien
  • Ox Alien (NED) - this artist page gives an error
  • oxalien

And the actual name the artist uses himself on his website is Ox-Alien


Hi Edwin,

This is going to be solved when artists complete their artist page and become verified


the same thing happens with the artist Okuda,has several copies like OKUDA SAN MIGUEL and Okudart

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Gonna clean up the different Okuda names right now.
If you found more
 let me know:).
In the meanwhile, we filtered already about 1000 wrong artistnames out of the system.

Thanks for flagging Kato

Gr Stef

Filtered the Oxalien’s last week. As I remember, indeed there was a page with an error (known issue and reported to tech).
It can happen that the artist modify the name a bit on their IG page, so
 sometimes it’s difficult to know which one they prefer.
If you find more
 let me know:).

Cheers Stef

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Bisho Sevillano and Bisho is the same person


okidoki, gonna merge it too.

Bisho Sevillano is now Bisho(there were already 4 existing Bisho works).

Another great artist with two profiles, José Rios.

José Fernåndez Ríos (Orcera, April 24, 1962),1 also known as José Ríos, is a Spanish hyperrealist painter and sculptor. Several of his works can be seen outdoors in the streets, roundabouts and promenades of the city of Jaén.2

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Jose rios done. Thanks for your input Kato! Big help

There is another one to clean-up (artist name we spelt incorrectly at first that has been corrected), currently the incorrect one Emily Vandrezee has no artworks associated so can be cleaned up please the next time you’re “on the job”.

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Hi Andrew,

Emily Vandrezee is deleted. If you find more
 let us know.
No more @names at Melbourne now.

These are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

“Adnate” - over 60 artworks (incl collabs and archived)
“Matt Adnate” - has 7 that should be moved to “Adnate”

“Alex Sugar” - has 30 artworks
“Sugarsweetpaint” - has one artwork that should be moved to “Alex Sugar”.
This artwork also references @sugarsweetpaint as the artists Instagram, which it used to be, but it is now “alexsugar” - not sure if you can change the description too.

“Heesco” - has 33 artworks
“Heesco Khosnaran” has 1 artwork which should be moved to “Heesco”

“Pete Cto” has 25 artworks.
There is one artwork that uses both “cto” and “cto art” - this should be changed to just “Pete Cto”

“Jason Parker” has 15 artworks
“Jason Parker Art” has one that should be moved to “Jason Parker” - I think we have discussed this one and you said there may be a problem with the record in the database.

I’ll let you know if I come across any more.

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Will take care of this today:). Thanks for list those names up.

Cheers Stef

@Andrew_Haysom edit: Pete Cto, same error as Jason Parker. The other names are edited(I kept Alex Sugar).

So can you remind me, is that Jason Parker / CTO error one that can’t ever be fixed, or were you waiting for someone else to do something?

Thanks for doing that!

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We reported this already to our Tech team.

I’ll put Jason and CTO on my error list.

Gr Stef

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Have artist with duplicates.
Artis is AFK (original)
Duplicate is AFK_artworks
Change those under AFK_artworks to AFK.

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Hi Oistein,
Will have a look at it.

Gr Stef

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Perfect - Thank U
Regs Ø

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@Edwin_Muller & @Andrew_Haysom ->cto /Jason Parker / oxalien done

Things are getting fixed by our tech team (@Noa_Heutz & @Thomas!). Thanks:)!