What are you favo sources to hunt in...?

Hello all…

Let’s start a new series?
Many of us, before traveling or a street art hunt… we do our homework before the trip.
So, it would be nice to share our sources? What are your favo websites for a specific place? Who are the Instagrammers we really have to follow to have real up to date info? Many spots are are pinned on our beloved platform Streetartcities… but not everything (yet:) ).

For some reasons, I am searching locations of street art / graffiti in Cologne (Germany).
Which pages helped you out? Which Instagramaccount is really on it?

So… For Cologne I found this good IG Account: StreetArtology


Hi All !

I will be in Los Angeles end of the month and looking for proper resource. Maybe someone that could take me to different scenes in the city ?
Grz from Amsterdam,


In Des Moines the local newspaper is a good source, same with a few of the more popular art galleries. Besides those and the annual art festival I do my own digging.


I would use the App, as it lists 2265 entries? I also just do a Google search to see anything that may not be on there.

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Wow! A trip to LA, amazing plans!
Our hunter Impermanent Art is doing an incredible good job in LA, maybe you can reach out to him? impermanent.art@gmail.com.

Greetz Stef