S'mae from Wales

Hey everyone, I’m Lara & from Wales, UK. I’ll be helping out in hunting down some cool street art in and around our capital city, Cardiff!

Like most of you guys, I’m super interested in art and street art in general. Some of my faves are Roa, Bordalo & D*Face. My background is in the arts - after I graduated, I started to run pottery and sculpture workshops in south Wales, but I moved out of the area and now I’m more focused on drawing/illustration and design. At the moment, I work in a really cool Welsh language book shop and get to travel a lot (we do a lot of events), and I recently started a Welsh language streetwear company called Dillad Tost Clothing (Dillad means ‘Clothes’ in Welsh). My goal though is to end up working digitally in the design field.

Music wise, I love punk rock and hardcore, and some of my hobbies are playing the guitar & piano, listening to records, reading and travelling (general stuff really).

My instagram is @lara.robs - I usually post my own doodles/drawings, as well as any art that I find interesting. Sometimes I post about my guinea pig, Arthur.


Lara, nice to see you around! Just checked out your instagram for illustration styles, looks really cool! Why not illustrate something for Street Art Cities that we can push out thru our instagram?

Have fun here and just let us know if something needs to improve or something’s not clear.

Great weekend!

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Hey @Bart, that sounds awesome. I’m on it! :metal: :woman_artist:t2:
Thanks for the reply - hope you’re having a great weekend too!

Hi Lara! Welcome!

Im also from Cardiff and have begun putting a few pieces on the map -but its far from as much as id like to add.

We do have some great street art here and the world needs to hear about it.


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