San Diego Represent

Hi everyone, I’m Tim from Dunedin, New Zealand but I’ll be one of the people representing San Diego on this collaborative project. I am after-all a fan of vandalism.

I did a little street art when I was younger in NZ, mostly stencils and spray graffiti warning of the end of the world with absurd monster characters. Recently, I started getting into Instagram and connecting with some really cool artists. I found that I was mostly impressed with how evolved street art has become. I’m a huge fan of Nychos and Buff Monster and anything kind of pop-surrealism.

I created an IG account as GhostVader to document street art on my travels. I’ve been to Dunedin, Christchurch and Melbourne so far. I plan to get out this weekend and start documenting San Diego. It seems appropriate to visit Chicano Park and start there.

For my real job, I’m an educational technologist but I have experience as a graphic/web designer and illustrator. I also draw, paint and carve bone. I’m not sure why I am driven to photograph street art. I’ve always done it. Maybe because of the temporary nature of the art and just how cool it is. Having social media options to share it gives me an excuse to do it. I am excited about this project for the same reason. It will help motivate me to get out and photograph San Diego. I use an iPhone and an old Canon T3i for my photography.

I’ll do my best get out there and document the street art of the United State’s Finest City. Don’t forget to follow GhostVader on IG.


Hi @GhostVader
Read the name of buffmonster give me good old memories of sites like wooster collective. That pink dont forgive easily.
I started to follow you.
Always vandalism! and some art. :grinning:

Greetings from Argentina

Good to meet you Iban, I think I followed you back. BuffMonster is still going strong. Melty strong!


Into the comic designy type of stuff right?

Thank you for your introduction Tim! Quite the creative specimen you are, but what? Bone carving? I had to google that tbh.

Anyway, welcome and just give us a holler if you need anything :sunny: