SAC website has TWO logins?

maybe it’s just me?
to access all of the functions here on SAC, I have to log into 2 different areas of SAC. 1 is this one → the FORUM & the other is → MANAGER. I can’t see all of the functions of the SAC website without logging in to 2 different access points. is this just me? :face_with_monocle:

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Yep, that’s not perfect. We’re working on a completely new version of the whole Street Art Cities platform, and once that’s finished, you’ll have just a single account for both. Stay tuned!


Yeah, we’re far from perfect, so this indeed, is one of the things on our list. Should be fixed like Thomas says. In the meantime, if you have any new ideas on how to improve, keep em comming dear StreetartChick!

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thank you for responding so quickly!
one other idea is connecting our social media accounts to our profile here. :blush:

Thomas, will you tell her, or should I?