SAC La Bañeza / León / SPAIN

Happy Hunting Family!

This is Cristina aka Tinka, I’m hunting/uploading for La Bañeza an almost unknown town in the beautiful north of Spain. Graffiti emerged there long time ago but we managed to make it bigger through the non-profit urban art festival ArtAeroRap ( which has celebrated its 5th edition past August.

My interest for art started, I guess, as soon as I happened to be conscious for what surrounds me . I grew up in a small town close to Offenbach/Frankfurt (Germany) I happened to live just in front of the tran station. The trains passed aprox every 30min, at that time you could see me running to the windows to watch them pass full of tags and graffiti, hoping to see again a wholetrain. I loved trains, specially colorful trains. They totally made my day. At that time it was possible to see a lot of wholetrains…now not that much.

I grew up surrounded by Hip Hop, Basketball and art in all its expressions (from watercolor to spray painted fingers haha). Streetart has always been a passion, I loved the idea of art sneaking in our daily greyness to make the world more colorful.

I currently live in Ankara, Turkey - but I am doing my best to show the world how colorful my hometown La Bañeza is becoming the recent years.

So, that’s all folks, if I can be helpful with anything, just let me know.

Greetings from a global nomads to the World :kissing_heart:



Well hello there Tinka!

Cool to see that so many of us are also involved in organising festivals. Nice little city you got there!
It appears you’ve lived in a few places and thank for sharing the story that sparked your love for graffiti and street art! Hope to meet you some time at an event or meetup!

Really like this painting btw…


Thank you so much Bart.
We really like to work with Sfhir he helped us a lot in terms of promoting the city and introducing us to artists. He is somehow our cities Graffiti Saint :wink: It became an unofficial tradition for him to challenge himself in La Bañeza :ok_hand::ok_hand:
And we specially love this artwork in which he depicted his incredibly beautiful and even more kind girlfriend Almu :heart_eyes:

I am totally looking forward to meet you too✌

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Hi @Tinka !!! Nice e-meeting you! I do also love the work from Sfhir. He works with Ze Carrión, a guy from Madrid who is also incredible! You should take him to La Bañeza, as he would love to paint a faccade. Are you Spanish? I have been to Ponfe and León before, but never to La Bañeza. Will check it for the next trip!

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This picture is pretty amazing. Nicely done Tinka :smiley:

Same here,nice to meet you. Ze Carrion has been already on La Bañeza, i actually know him, I think he attended the first edition.
Ohh this obsessions with facades, we have a long list of artists waiting to paint a facade for ArtAeroRap…but its complicated, since our budget is low and cranes are expensive :wink:

Indeed im spanish, La Bañeza is my home town bit i lived for 8 years in Madrid so I know quite a few artists from there.

Please contact me when you plan to go to La Bañeza, we should definitely meet. Actually I will be this week in Madrid!!

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We know the problem of a low budget haha. Because I’m also a hunter from Heerlen a lot of artists are contacting me because they wanna do a wall. Because we don’t have funding either I can only let them sleep at my place to save costs haha

If we go to La Bañeza we absolutely contact you :smiley: