SAC - Casablanca & Rabat

Hey guys!

My name is Soukaina (Souky is easier). I am Moroccan living between Casablanca and Rabat.
I was living in India for the past 3 years and now that I’m back to Morocco, I am thrilled to discover the Street Art scene in my country and I am going around hunting for Gems :slight_smile:

You can have a look at my instagram account: @moreartlessads where I’m sharing pictures I’ve taken here and also during my trips.



Welcome Souky,

Glad to have you on board, Africa is a continent we aren’t that active yet. But i’ve already seen some amazing work in Morocco.


Welcome Souky,

I had the pleasure to life many years ago in Morocco when street art was not a thing, I can’t wait to see all this beautiful interventions.

I wish you all the best at this adventure of hunting :heart:

Greetings from a Spaniard in Turkey!


Thanks Tinka for your lovely words ^^ I might stop by Istanbul for NY and want to go hunting there (even if it’s raining haha)

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