Question about city team members

When I see the stats for my city, it says there are 4 team members…is there a way to connect with other team members from my city so that we can get together or discuss the murals in other area and share resources? I don’t see any way to see who the other team members are. Thank you.


the other 3 are invisible, cause they are actually admins who can acces the platform.
So you’re the only one in Greensboro for now. We had some contact with Greensboro Mural project but they never really responded.

thank you. :slight_smile:

Hi Peggy
I would like to know if there is a list (with Instagram names) of other SAC Hunters. List of cities is great but let’s put people in the equation. Maybe HQ can advise!.



We totally agree with you on that, and this is something that we’re currently adressing in the new version of our platform. This includes a broader profile feature for all users on the platform (hunters, artists, admin, +future usergroups).

We obviously want to put the humans more front and center than the system now allows us. So we’re on it. Any specific ideas on your end maybe?