We sent out that hunter survey in the newsletter two weeks ago, remember? Just wanted to let you in on the highlights of the outcome, and what we will do with it.
Hapiness Indicator
You seem to be very happy! Look at how many stars we were given?
Thank you! We constantly improve, and listen to what your needs are. We are still looking for ways to do this sustainable, so our relationship with you, and other parties in street art are vital to us. Next to hunters, the artists, galleries, festivals and municipalities are important. We try to build a platform for all of you, as best as we can!
Be able to hunt in more cities, yes / no?
Okay that was very clear.
Yes 82.1%
No 17.9%
As stated many times in several e-mails, DMs, and on this forum. You want to hunt in more cities than our system currently allows for. We’ve heard you loud and clear. Right now, the system doesn’t work like this. However, we have added some of you as an extra hunter to a city, if and when Tim feels that it is a good match. But the way we do that, is technically not very elegant and automated. Because of your feedback tho, we’ll dive into it. It should be smooth, with respect to the local hunters, it should work seamlessly with your current hunting style and city. And it should work all over the world, and in many occasions, and it should play nice with the artists who are joining the platform more and more. They also have a relationship to the artwork being documented ofcourse. So, theres a lot to think about. We’ll dive into it maybe even this season. As you can imagine, it doesn’t only involve development of new technology, but also a smart way to organise it. Feel free to reach out if you have ideas on the matter. Currently we see several rough ways to do it. Keep you posted!
Want to help out with Community Management?
Interested, tell me more 37%
No, I’m sorry 59.3%
Yes, but my English is bad 3.7%
We’re happy with every volunteer we can get! Street Art Cities has become quite the operation, and even though we make a bit of revenue, it’s not yet enough to cover all costs. So those that are interested are picking a date to see when we’re going to meet and talk about help with managing the community! Curious? Tell me your preferred date, and just join our online call soon!
How can we introduce new hunters in your city best?
Let me know in an e-mail and pay for our drinks during a meetup! 28.6%
Just a msg in our hunter inbox would be great 39.3%
Let the new one e-mail me an introduction 35.7%
Totally fine with the way it currently goes 25%
Would not mind to pay for the drinks myself 3.6% (Thank you Sabine!! )
In my city (Roeselare) I have everything under control. In the other cities someone can come in because I don’t have an overview and fear for quality. 3.6% (awesome @Nik!)
Some ideas to make me happier
Important stuff, here’s a few of the replies.
I’d love to get a StreetArt cities official hunter T-shirt ;-). Is this something you could plan for in the near-future?
Answer: Hell yes. We’re on it. Let us know what you want!
Removed artworks, make it different. Maybe color the pin? Currently the UI is not clear enough for users. Maybe core team could personally check the artwork?
Answer: To be hounest, we’re not really satisfied with it either. So we’re on the same page here. Let us come up with some improvements asap. Keep you posted!
Maps used to be easier to use, I could use street view to pinpoint the location. Now with Mapbox, that is not possible anymore.
Answer: We are very sorry to hear that. I think it has something to do with the costs of hosting Street Art Cities. We’re juggling with Google, Apple and Mapbox as providers of mapping services to put our markers on. Due to impressive usage, our bills have increased a bit too much. That’s why we use a multitude of map providers. I’m sorry we’ve made it more complicated adding markers. Anything we can do to improve @thomas ?
I travel just because of Street Art, but I can not share my pictures with SAC members, very very sad
Answer: Sad indeed, maybe this is something we can incorporate in the new way of dealing with hunting in many cities. Not sure yet if that’s something we can invest time in, on the short term.
I’d like to be able to post videos to works please. Once upon a time they could be embedded in the description, but even this function has been removed. Even if it was limited to 1 vid of a determined maximum length, it would enhance things a lot.
Answer @thomas, anything you can say on videos?
Thanks again for your time, keep on rocking guys and girls, we’re learning, improving and growing every day now!