NRW (Germany) SAC meetup

dear sac-community,
we are thinking about a local North Rhein Westfalia SAC-meetup, somewhere in march.
who is interested to join?
i haven’t been to aachen or heerlen, but also düsseldorf would be an interesting place to visit.
looking forward to hear your ideas & thoughts

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Yep! When it is possible I’ll be on board. That depends on the date. As I’m travelling with public transport, a railway connection would be nice. Aachen or Düsseldorf or other major cities with good traffic connentions are welcome. Hope we see us soon!

cheers from Essen

are you on facebook too?
i have posted this message in the sac-group because there is likely more feedback: Redirecting...

Indeed, I’m on FB too (Redirecting...), but the link you’ve posted isn’t active; so please send me another one, to lead me to that page. Is it "streetartcities - / support streetart?

i just have added you to the sac-group, now it should be active

That’n nice! Thank You!

Please check again; I haven’t got an invitation to join the group and so I can’t use that link up to now!

ok, just saw the admins have to confirm you.
@Streetartwerpenaar @Bart can you please take care of this?

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Everything’s fine now. See You

No problem using Facebook, but also invite us here. I’m not a big FB fan, but whatever works for you! :slight_smile:

I would love to hang out, in the second half of March somewhere on a saturday? @urbanpresents you already picked a date?

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Saturdays are perfect; in March there is only one no-go-day, the 17th and thats a Saturday. It*s my mother’s birthday - if you know what I mean!!! The others will be fine.
I have to thank you (and Tim,Thomas and Sanne) for a surprising post card I have recieved today. Please offer my thanks and regards to all of them.

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So, how’s everybody on the 24th of March? Maybe we can meetup in Aachen? Cool town, good connection with public transport and two very very nice hunters live there :heart_eyes:

oh and glad you liked the postcards!

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hey bart thanks for taking over :slightly_smiling_face:
24th of march seems good for me, and aachen is also on my list.
even if some people can not make it, let s have some regular meetups in the area.

Hi Bart,
I’m looking forward of seeing you all in Aachen on 24th of March. Aachen is perfect for the meeting. Please let me know the details, when available.

See you soon

I would love to meet you guys at some point. But Ankara is quite far. Maybe next time.

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Never mind! When we meet in Aachen, I’ll send goog thoughts to you and your hometown - and I will drink something special to your health.

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Goog? Good thoughts! to find the wrong button is easy all the time!

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Here we go; NRW Street Art Cities Meetup Tickets, Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite

Just let us know you’re going to be there, and @urbanpresents, can you put this on FB? Regina and Dieter (Aachen Hunter team) is going to be present as well!

Looking forward!

hi bart, i also created a fb-event.
@Ferre noticed the date of eventbrite is wrong: it s 24th of march not may :slight_smile:
could you correct that? thanks!

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