Hi! I was just about to add some new pieces, but the image uploader has somehow disappeared – anyone else running into this issue?
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I’ll pass it on your the IT crew
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That’s what I get for doing late-night updates without checking properly… Apologies, should be fixed now!
Hooray, thanks for the fix!!
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Hi guys, the no upload images problem is back. Both Kiki (my Athens hunting partner) and I are unable to upload images.
Hey There!
I checked the issue, because some of us experienced the same bug, so maybe everyone can share their version/browsertype just to see if we can find something in that area.
newly updated version also has the same problem…
Sorry folks, something seems to have gone wrong while releasing a new version of the platform this afternoon. It should be restored now. Let me know if you still experience problems!
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Thomas, thank you we are now able to upload