New features in V2 of the Map

Hi y’all,

A quick shoutout to let you know a new version of the map is comming up, taking a lot of your feedback into account. We’re really really eager how you like it, so get ready for a launch on wednesday 6 september 12:00!

New features

Design overhaul

  • We’ve made the design more consistent with the app experience and removed that upper bar, giving the map more space.
  • We think the sidebar reflects visitor and hunter needs better.
  • Style and color is according to our new color scheme (yay for orange!)

Performance improvements

  • We are grouping image previews of murals again. This speeds up loading a lot. Like, a lot really.
  • Overall tweaks and optimisation tricks under the hood.


  • More focus on the passionate team that’s responsible for the content on the map.
  • We now welcome visitors better by greeting them, introducing them to the number of new and total murals and then the team (new mural = added less than a month ago).
  • Better ways of exploring the city; find artworks in a more intuitive way, quickly find a route/tour.
  • A feed of recent activity in the city, giving repeat visitors a quick overview of what’s new.

We’re trying to make a big improvement for both you and visitors with this new overhaul. We think this is a big big update, so we will promote it to other passionate people like us and blogs or other media outlets. Anyone want to help us?

#streetartcities #streetartcitiesV2 #newkidintown

Let us know how you like it and how you can contribute to promoting it on wednesday 6 september!

We’ll start working on a revamped hunter dashboard so adding new works will be easier and managing all content is more fun!

Have a great day!


Hi Bart,

I have a suggestion for a next update :slight_smile:

  • would be nice if we could see all the artworks from one artist all over the world (in the app you can scroll on the artist but you stay within the chosen city). On the site we now can choose a city and then see the artworks, but what if we could chose an artist and see all his/hers artworks in all the cities… The namefield of the artist is allready in use, so maybe this can be possible?

Hi Marc, this is definitely something that’s in our box of ideas!

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Very good idea Marc, had this in mind too. But it presupposes that everyone uses the same spelling/writing of the artist name…it differs at times. So maybe a general library could be set up that one can pick/select artists names from in future. In addition, I find it very helpful to see, if it’s a local artist or where he comes from, that’s why I add country shortcuts (in brackets) behind the name. Does it make sense? :wink: