Javi from Street art in Madrid

Hi pals!

I am a 30 years old passionate about street art and graffiti. I become interested in graffiti during my 12s, painting in notebooks. Spent school interested in the movement and forgot about it later on. It’s now on my 30s that I created a project called @Cooltourspain, where I develop a street art tour in madrid.

I play football during my free time, listen to electronic music and travel a lot (more than 30 countries so far…). I am interested in SEO, online marketing and connecting with other people from different cultures.

Welcome to Madrid any time you want.



Hi Javi!

I am curious, are you somehow related to Madrid Streetart Project?

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Hi Javi!

Cool to have you on board and nice to see a SEO expert sharing some wisdom with us!
So if you don’t mind me asking, how does that entire thing with Barcelona / Catalonia impact you as a person? Or couldn’t you care any less? Haha, just trying to get a real persons view amidst all these headlines in the papers.

Street Art Tours for the people! Sanne recently designed this really cool leaflet/card give away thingy for Tourguides to hand out to tour participants. Maybe check out what she made and share it with you, so you can also get your custom thingy? This way your visitors are reminded of the map, and your initiative.

As a matter of fact, @anon69780978 should make a post about this. Lemme give her a holler!

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Hi @Tinka. We are different projects. MSAP is aimed towards art curating, #Cooltourspain is aimed towards street art tourism. I know Guillermo and Diana, they are super cool people. Do you know them too? Where are you from? Do you have another street art related project?

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Hi @Bart, would love to see what @anon69780978 created! Just send it to me to javier@cooltourspain.com

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Hi Javi, Just sended you an email with our street art cities postcard that we give away after the street art tours. I’ll make a small post about it as well. If you have suggestions, let us know!

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Thanks, is there any way you could send me to the office the printed version? Maybe 500?

Javier, would you mind running it thru a local copyshop yourself if Sanne sends the high quality print file?

#costsavings :money_mouth_face: