Items mysteriously moving to top of the Artworks screen

Some time ago the coding team did a lot of great work to stop certain activities like “Seen” etc from updating the Last Edited date to stop artworks from appearing at the top of the artworks screen, which has saved us a lot of time as we as Hunters are always curious to see what changes have been made when we see artworks move up to the top of the Artworks screen.

Over the last few days a number of artworks have appeared to move to the top of the Last Edited view in the Artworks screen for Melbourne, they are shown in the attachment.

None of Melbourne’s active hunters have been into these artworks (I have checked with Neda and Lia). I have also checked each of them and cannot see any edits have been made, and no notes or anything in the recent past when looking at them all on the app.

Is it possible to tell who or what caused these records to float up the top, the activity would have been some time from Dec 14 onwards.

Thanks, Andrew


Hi Andrew! I think that might have been me - I’ve been fixing some issues we’ve had with missing artists, and I think this might have been causing items to move.

I ran a script on Sunday that will have updated about 3,000 artworks that had some missing artist details or broken links. I didn’t consider the change to the modification time that would cause - apologies!

If it keeps happening though, let me know, should have been a one-time thing.


No problems Thomas, I just wanted to raise it in case it was something that might happen regularly. Thanks for letting me know.