Issue with new artists not appearing in system

Currently working on Cairns. For the last couple of days when dealing with new artists, it seems a lot of artists are not properly being parsed/processed in the system. Examples include:

  • Sharon Wedel
  • India Collins
  • Rick Beresford
  • Malachi Aird, and
  • Tune

Each time I add another artwork, the system does not prompt them as a suggestion, not even a day after I’ve added their first artwork. Neither in their artist pages (i.e. as they appear on my hunter profile) are they generating either.
Not sure when this started happening, it may have been when the city names on the top-left of the hunter dashboard went black instead of red, think it was around a week ago?

I experienced the same yesterday. Wanted to correct a duplicate, and added a new correctly written artists name. In the same city, had to add the new name later on as well and it didn’t appear in the artists database.
From experience, I know that we have to wait like a 20 minuts… but now we are 12 hours later and it’s still not in the database. Like Briggs wrote: the system does not prompt them as a suggestion.

Will forward it too our developers. Thanks for flagging this issue

Thanks for flagging this! Big bug, apologies for that!

We’ve fixed it now, and updated all the affected artworks. The existing items in the news feed and user feeds are not yet updated, that is quite difficult, so we’re deciding whether that’s worth doing.

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