Introduction @AlongMyMerryWay

Hi everyone! I’ve just joined Street Art Cities and I’m about to upload by first captures. My IG handle is @alongmymerryway. Follow me and I’ll follow back!

I started documenting the street art I found back in 2017 while living in Spain and backpacking through Europe. I learned so much about the politics and sentiments around social issues in each country through their street art and graffiti. It was fascinating to me to not only look at the subject matter within the countries, but the styles. I was even more excited to find the same artist across multiple countries!

Now I’m back in the Philadelphia area and I’ll be hunting in the city. On my IG, I’ll also be exploring other cities in the Tri-state and abroad as I continue to travel.

I can’t wait to meet all of you! You can also drop your IG handles below and I’ll give you a follow!