Hunter for Swindon

Hi, @thomas @Streetartwerpenaar can I be added as a Hunter for Swindon?
It’s very close to Reading, where I live, and has just had a Street Art Festival this weekend (2 / 3 Sept), so there are lots of new pieces there! I have checked the App and it’s listed but no Hunters allocated.

Hi Ibrahim,

Done, you can now hunt in Swindon.
I suggest to connect with the festival and let them know you’re adding it to SAC.
They’ll probably love it


Many thanks! I’ll send the festival a message :slight_smile:

@Streetartwerpenaar - I sent the Festival a message and they were very happy to here that I was going to visit and add the art to the App.
They sent me links to the map they published on their Instagram showing where every artist was painting, and even confirmed the Curtis Hyland had finished his piece (he did his after the Fest finished as he couldn’t make it that weekend!)
So many photos to sort! I’ll be updating the map on the App as soon as I can!


Can’t wait to see them. I believe Medianeras are also coming to close the festival

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So good, looking forward to the pieces on the map. Nice initiative:)!

Gr Stef

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@Streetartwerpenaar _ I don’t think I managed to see his piece there. I spent around 7 hours walking around Swindon. Found so much Street Art, most of which was from before the Paint Fest!
I’m definately going to have to go back to find the pieces I missed, and any others I can find!

just got a message they just finshed

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@Stef - I’ve now added 43 pieces to the Swindon map, from various events around Swindon.
Quite a few more to go!
I’ll be working on them over the next few days.

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Lots of beautiful images you have there Ibrahim! nice initiative!!
Nice that you follow your neighborhood so well, want to expand your hunter terrain.
That’s the spirit!

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