Hola desde Havana, Cuba

My name is Amir. I am a Canadian who spends a large portion of his life in Havana for over 20 years. I published a book called “Painted Walls Havana” and am working on a documentary on the same subject. I am proud ot have been invited to populate the site with the great art of Havana… the work of both Cuban artists and visiting artists. I hope you enjoy.

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Welcome to the family, love to see some more of Havana and it’s street artists.

Hi Amir!

Cool to see you can’t really make up your mind as where to live! Just kidding :slight_smile: But I guess the contrast between Canada and Havana must be pretty interesting right?
As for those that are curious for the book, check out this link: https://www.amazon.com/Painted-Walls-Havana-Paredes-Pintadas/dp/1988820537