Hi there, I’m Elbert hunting from a little town near Heerlen, called Amstenrade in the municipality of Beekdaelen. I will be hunting in Beekdaelen and also a little bit in the rest of Parkstad/Heerlen. Since I travel quite a bit I might also add some artworks that I found underway.
My interests are mainly graphic design, architecture and of course street art!
Great to have you here Elbert! Since most of the founding members are from Parksjtad, we’re obviously very proud to have you here! We could use some more documentation power in the Parkstad area, so please do let us know if you want us to add you to Heerlen or other cities in Parkcity.
I sent the owner of the Muldermolen a message to let him know he’s finally on streetartcities.com!
Hi Bart, thanks! Sure, add me to Heerlen as well. I work and sport in Heerlen, so I’m regularly there spotting street art. That might also fix the work of Lars Ickenroth I added. This is now on ‘Beekdaelen’ and should be on ‘Heerlen’.
Btw, there are also some nice pieces of James Jetlag in Voerendaal. Should these be added as part of Heerlen or should Voerendaal be a different city?