Hi - Just wanted to introduce myself

I am Beatrice aka AthensRunner on IG, I currently live in London. Every September I spend time in Athens, Greece and a large part of my time there is spent hunting street-art. I am looking forward to load up some of my pictures from by past trips over the next couple of weeks.

Sadly, I cannot spend as much time as I like in Athens but I do my best to keep up with the scene there. When I am “stuck” in London I like spending my spare time either hunting or visiting galleries here.

I am hoping to squeeze in a trip to Amsterdam this year for some hunting, as I am hoping that 2018 will become the year I become a fully fledged hunter.


Howdee Beatrice, welcome to hunters paradise (or almost-hunter for that matter)!

We’re going to send you a message when we’re in London, let us know when you’re in Amsterdam! We might drop by :slight_smile:
So what do you do in Athens every year besides collecting?

*Because of the current popularity of this community, a lot of new people started recently. We’re seeing this ‘weird situation’ pop up more and more; clicking on a marker in map city-x, brings you to a totally different city-y on the map. Weird, but it happens because hunters from city-x upload pictures of murals in city-y. The system currently doesn’t know how to handle this. Can I ask you to only upload pictures of the city that you hunt for? At least until we resolved this issue? Thanks a bunch!

Have a great year AthensRunner! and Hopefully we can meetup sometime this year!

Hi Bart

Yes, defiantly message me when you are in London. I will message you when I am in Amsterdam…have just paid for my Athens ticket so have to wait a few weeks before I can book a short trip there.

When in Athens, aside from hunting :wink: I used to live there back in the early 90’s so I catch up with friends and practice my poor Greek :wink:

Ah I will, and keep working that Greek lingo, I know absolutely nothing about that country. Only that it has great food, many creative people, a bit of far (very far) right winged politics and big hip hop parties in Tessaloniki. Enjoy!

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