Hi / Hola / Ola from Buenos Aires

Hi people!
Mi name is Iban from La Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Is great to be included in this community, i think is a great improvement in the street art websites.

A little resume about me: I started taking photos from Buenos Aires and making weathpaste, murals and graffiti in 2003. In that time i started a project called “Arte Callejero Latinoamerica”, you can search in instagram / facebook / youtube. I made events and participate in great expositions here in Argentina.
The project is celebrating 15 years, and is great to share my photos with you and the world!
Sorry for my english, if you need help with spanish, contact me. :wink:

Best wishes


Hola gente,
Mi nombre es Iban de La Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Es genial ser incluido en esta comunidad, creo que es una gran mejora con respecto a los sitios de arte callejero.

Un pequeño resumen acerca de mi: Empece sacando fotos y haciendo pegatinas, murales y graffiti en el año 2003. En ese momento empece un proyecto llamado “Arte Callejero Latinoamérica”, lo pueden buscar en instagram, facebook y youtube. Hice varios eventos y participe de grandes exposiciones en Buenos Aires.
El proyecto esta celebrando sus 15 años, y es genial compartir mis fotos con ustedes y el mundo!
Perdón por mi ingles, si necesitan ayuda con el castellano, pueden escribirme. :wink:

Muchas gracias

Hi There Iban!

Your name reminds me of money. (International Banking Account Number)
So I think that’s good :slight_smile:

Welcome to the team, we’re very glad to have you on board! I checked out your instagram, it has an impressive amount of cool works on it. Is that all in Buenos Aires?
I hope you can find the time to organise a hunter meetup in BA, since you’re number 4 in Buenos Aires already. Let me know if you can work something out!

Best wishes as well and hope you enjoy it here

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