Hi from Waterford, IRL

I’m Dutch from origin but live in Waterford since early 2020. As a volunteer for Waterford Walls I like to keep the info up to date, which will take some time, because many murals are missing from this site or replaced. Great to see that our efforts to bring a bit of colour to the city also inspires businesses and individuals to do the same. I’ll post some picures of these, too. On insta: @liamgreen66.

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Hi William,

Great to have another Dutch guy in the community! I’m Dutch as well, living in the UK currently.

Happy hunting!

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Hi Thomas,
I’m glad to help getting the site a bit more up to date, at least the Irish part.
I found all the murals in the wide neighbourhood in the almost 2y I live in Waterford.
Getting them on the site is quite a job.
Streetart is getting so popular everywhere, we sure need a lot of new hunters.

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Nice to have you on board mate, all the help in documenting is absolutely welcome. Enjoy!
Pro tip: you also gained about a thousand new friends globally, since many hunters connect with local hunters when traveling. So feel free to reach out to other hunters!

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Hi from Dublin
Looking forward to putting IRELAND on map


Hi, there is a lot going on in Dublin (and Belfast) as well, I must have a proper look myself soon.

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