Hi from the new intern at Street Art Cities

Hi everyone,

I am Lizzy and I am going to do do my thesis at Street Art Cities. I am at my last year of
Communication and Multimedia Design in Maastricht. I spent the past half year in England
for an exchange at Leeds Arts University.

My goal is to gain as much educational experience as a student as well as fun- from doing
cool projects to going abroad to study, as long as it has something to do with the creative

I first did my thesis at another place but I started to realise it’s important to me to work doing
something am passionate about and that wasn’t it, so I quit at the place I was doing my
thesis originally to find something that matches my interests. I found Street Art Cities!
Where I am now a part of the creative team of SAC for the next couple of months. I am still figuring out what my role is going to be, but if you have any ideas or tips for a project you might think would help Street Arts Cities, please share :slight_smile:


Good busy Lizzy! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Welcome to the team Lizzy!

As you might have heard I’m living in Amsterdam, but I hope to be in Heerlen again sometime soon, looking forward to meeting you then!

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Hi Thomas,

Thank you very much ! See you soon.