Hi from Stavanger, Norway

Hey, hey.
Therese from Stavanger here.
Girl with an above average interest in street art, both in Stavanger and abroad.
Allways on the hunt for new street art.
One of the tourguides for the yearly Stavanger street art festival Nuart


Yes another tour guide on board.
You’ll be a perfect fit for this crazy community.

Can’t wait to see Stavanger appearing.

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Hi Therese!

Unfortunately we’ve just missed Martyn Reed in Lisbon yesterday, we admire all the work you all do in Stavanger with Nu Art. Also really cool to see that our paths keep crossing more and more.
Also, like Tim says, it’s good to have more tourguides on board, since you have an important role in sharing information with tourists and others. Curious to see how you think this community could be of value to you as a tourguide as well.

enjoy and let us know your first experiences!

Very small community. =)
For now I’m new to both the SAC and being a tour guide. But I believ the app could work as a great supliment to the tour, as well as being an independent tool in finding art. Also I think it is a good thing to have options on how to find the art. With a guide you will have way more info and knowledge at the end of the day, but there is not always time to join a tour. And sometimes it is good to just walk around in peace and quiet, and find the art by yourself.
Stavanger has been missing a good strett art map. Nuart prints maps yearly, but you can’t have all the art in one map. Also it’s only art connected to NuArt. So I’m excited to be able to point them all out in one place. I aso have a lot of ideas for trails I want to create. =)


@Gjellaa Velkommen ombord, jeg er en utlandsleder, har vært i London i mange år, men jakter i Athen, Hellas.

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Hei, takk for det. =)
Så kult, kjenner veldig lite til gatekunst i Athen, men gleder meg til å se. =)

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Hi Therese,

Welcome to this crazy hunter community! I’m Sanne from Heerlen, the Netherlands.
Have a happy hunt and if you have questions, feel free to ask us or the community!

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Hi Sanne.
Thank you for your warm welcome. So excited to be a part of this. And a happy hund and exelent weekend for you =)


Thats a thing indeed, NuArt only does a map on their own works, that way it’s not really complete. But then again, maybe thats not their intention.
Also agree with you on a multitude of options to get in contact with street art, tours, movies, apps, personal hunts, whatever works, right?

Have a good one this season!

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Hi Therese,
.you’re doing great. One thing, if you document artworks curated by the nUart festival, please give them credits in the Descriptions.
Something like organised by nuArt festival edition 2017 die example

Ok, will do. =)
It’s not all of them were I’m entirely sure on wich year they were made, but I’ll add NuArt to the description.