Hi from Melbourne!

Happy New Year everyone!

I’m in the middle of preparing a street art trip and thought I might be able to meet up with people if dates work out. I’ll be in Netherlands and Belgium for 10 days from mid February, then Paris before heading to Canada early March and on to NYC. that’s 5 weeks of street art - what a life!

Rather than clogging up this forum, I’ll leave my email address and would be happy to talk to anyone who wants to share a cuppa, a meal or a few tips about their city: Lou Chamberlin IG: @streetartaustralia zephyr2@tpg.com.au

It would be great to meet some of you! Happy Hunting!


Hi Lou,

You’r ALWAYS welcome to come to Heerlen. I’ll show you around town and tell you all about our beautiful murals. We are near the border from Belgium so you don’t have to travel that far. Just let me know when you’re coming and I’ll save the date :facepunch::smiley:

Cheers Sanne

Always welcome in Ghent (Belgium). There’s a graffiti jam op 17th february (if the weather is ok).

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So, how about we @Ferre @Streetartwerpenaar @anon69780978 help you out by organising a little tour across Heerlen/Ghent/Antwerp? Maybe we can also have dinner with the crew from Aachen? @Dieter and @regina ?

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@Bart I’m in touch with Joy, still looking if it will work out with agenda’s.

That sounds great! i’d love to catch up with anyone who’s around. I’ve been taking notes from the SAC website (where else?) and there’s so much to see in such a small space. looking forward to whatever can be arranged.

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My apologies, Sanne - I should have replied her, rather than by email. I hope you received my response. I’m looking forward to meeting you and seeing the joyous walls of Heerlen! I’ve checked them out on the site and there’s so much to see!

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Hi Ferre. The street art jam in Grindbakken sounds terrific!

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Sounds AWESOME Bart :heart: Lets do this :facepunch: