Hi from Maastricht, the Netherlands

Hello everyone! I’m Nasrin, a new hunter in Maastricht, the Netherlands. I’m also hunting in Stavanger, Norway.
I have a background in arts, culture, and literature, with a specialisation in arts management and cinema. I’m known as a flâneuse because I’m crazy about wandering in cities, finding hidden places, street art, and secret gems.
I’ve been using the Street Art maps for some years now, until I got the chance to join as a hunter and contribute to completing the info. Glad to be here!


Hi Nasrin,
Welcome to the big streetart-hunter-family.
We hope you enjoy wandering through the streets and alleys and hope you will find many more hidden gems.

Furthermore, I would like to ask you to keep an eye on the Artwork guidelines (occasionally) when placing a new artwork.

These are regularly adjusted. You will also find answers to possible questions there.

Then I wish you a lot of fun with your passion and enjoy the platform.
We look forward to your new uploads.


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Welcome Nasrain, hope you enjoy the hunting! Andrew

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Welcome to the SAC family, Nasrain!

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Ah great, look what we got here! A hunter taking care of Maastricht! Beautiful city, so much potential for more great murals. Very happy to see someone taking care of our neighboring city! Have fun Nasrain, and check in whenever you have questions!


Hi Tony! Thank you for the welcoming words and information. Glad to be here!

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Thanks Bart! Yeah, Maastricht is being underestimated, especially because of Heerlen close by. But I do also believe that it has potential. Lovely city indeed.