Hi from Kyiv, Ukraine

Hi! my name is Olga, I am 46 . I have son, 12 year old, and husband. My profational is an accountant, I live in Kiev. My hobbies are ballroom and latin dances and huntering for murals. My instagram @ojli_lukojli 99.9% photos of murals on my page were shooted by myself.
There are a lot of murals in Kiev and I’ll try to download all of them to this resource☺


Welcome to the community Olga! I was talking yesterday with some of the other team members about how quickly we’re getting used to the rapid growth of Street Art Cities, but it’s still so amazing to read these personal stories and get to know more of the hunters that use our platform to make all those beautiful artworks out there visible to people all over the world.

Let me know if there’s ever anything you have a question about!


Hi Olga,

Like Thomas said, it’s always Nice to read these stories. I suggest you take your time and read the other stories.

Glad Kiev is gettin’ some speed now


Thank you very much for your warm welcom!!:blush:


Hi Olga,

Welcome to this crazy hunter community. haha I’ve just checked your insta profile and it looks amazing.
Can’t wait to see more on your Street Art Cities account. Have fun!

Cheers, Sanne

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I’am very happy to be part of this community😊 I’ll do my best😀
By the way, some photo of murals in my insta from Gdansk, Poland. There a whole zone named Zappa is dedicated to murals


Hi Olga! Welcome to this network of Street Art Luvers!!


Thanks!)) Very beautiful comparison with Louvre😉

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Welcome to the streetart adventure!!

I might get in contact soon with you.

Kiev is one of my favorite cities of the world, it’s people, it’s streets… it’s just amazing.
But I never stopped to watch it’s streetart so (like not conciously).
I was lucky to be there during Maydan and catched a lot of political streetart.

I hope I can travel this month to Kiev and meet you!!


Hi, Tinka! Welcome to Kiev again! :blush:

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