Hi from Goettingen!

Hello Everyone!
My name is Anita, i’m a biologist and i live in Goettingen, Germany.
I am also a photographer and a huge fan of street art. Goettingen has some awesome pieces, it’s very international and cool town, so I’m excited to share these with people.
You can find me on Instagram @anitakrisko, where i post my photos.
Also, a friend and i started a page for analog photography lovers, join us if you share our enthusiasm
Bye for now :hugs:

Hi Anita!

Cool to see you here, representing Goettingen! There’s a lot of work to be done I see, just a few paintings documented, so you have to surprise us! Also, I would love to know your opinion on more artistic pictures by hunters. Your remark about analogue pictures made me think.

Hi Bart!
I’m very excited to be doing this, just warming up. :slight_smile:

I’m a huge fan of more artistic pictures of graffiti. I guess for documenting, it’s ok to have some ordinary images, which will be usefull for example when visitors will try to locate the graffiti in the street. But why not include also more artistic images. I do a lot of double exposures on film with graffiti. The results are sometimes chaos, and sometimes really cool. I can post some, and we can see how the audience will like it :slight_smile: