Hi from Essen, North Rhine Westfalia, Germany

I’m Andrea Ranke aka streetartwalks and I’m new here. Warm greetings to you all! street art hunters out there. Let me explain, how I did get here:
Essen is a city in the midst of Germany and after Cologne, Düsseldorf and Dortmund the fourth biggest city of North Rhine Westfalia. It is not known as a stronghold of street art, it cannot compete with those big three. I was angry about a friend, who described Essen as a real desert of art and wondered about those preconception; unbraked by any expertise. I recommended him to open his eyes and look around. There is art in public space in Essen! Not that spectacular and well published as in Berlin or Hamburg, but we have murals too. I claimed to be able to give him 10 murals off the cuff and offer evidence by photo. When I started with street art, it was difficult to get reliable information how to find streetart in public space. Although always new images appeared on the internet, it was frustrating getting information about exact positions or addresses. The idea of a map to show all those locations in is great, and I’m very happy to be part of this project. So, have fun when you are here and let me help to avoid any frustration of finding the spots!
Welcome to my hometown Essen


Haha, this is a lovely story! Great history on why you became an avid Essen-Streetart-Hunter! So glad this community and our ambition suits you! Please also let us know if you have idea’s or improvements on how to make this better for you, for artists, for tourists, whatever you like!

Enjoy your stay and hope to welcome you on one of our meetups this year! (we’re organising a few hopefully this year, always welcome to help ;))



Hi Bart,
thanks for this welcome.
I indeed have a wish: if it is possible, could this drop down menue with all cities be organised alphabetically? That would be very helpful for login. If there will be a meeting that takes place in my nearer vicinity, reachable for me, I will join.



Hi Andrea,

Thanks for this awesome story. We started this project because we had the same ‘problem’. We had a huge database with great shots and information about te murals but didn’t had a platform with locations. I’m so happy that you joined this community.

I asked our developer Thomas to help you with a nice drop down menu so you can find your city better.

Cheers, Sanne