Hi from Charleville-Mézières

Hi everyone,
I had the pleasure to join the Hunters community this day.
Tim thanks for your help.
I am Caroline, artist / landscaper, freelance worker.
I have been living in Charleville for a short time however it is my hometown… The city of Arthur Rimbaud, the arts of puppetry, the ducal square and the “cabaret vert” … It is important for me to enhance this cultural city;) There is a serie of 9 wall-paintings which include poems by Rimbaud. I’m going to take photos of these frescoes to share them with you and the people who download the Street Art Cities app.
See you very soon,


Welcome Caroline! Happy to have you here!

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Bonjour Caroline,

Bienvenue dans cette communauté

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Great to have you here Caroline! Good luck with the fresco’s!

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Thanx Thomas!
Happy to be here!

Merci. Ravie. Enthousiaste.

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j’ai quelques photos de fresques de Charleville à ajouter… je suis un peu perdue! Pouvez-vous m’aider? Merci merci

Bonsoir Caroline,

Normalement, tu doit avoir recu un email avec un ‘login’ et un autre mail avec une guide pour commencer?

ah? je regarde à ça mais ça ne me dit rien…

bonjour Caroline, bienvenue