Hello from Zagreb

Hi! My name is Doris and I am a Swiss expat living in Zagreb.
I studied tourism and hotel management, but photography has always been my passion, so as soon as I moved to Croatia five years ago, I started to explore the whole city and became fascinated by the amazing pieces, ranging from little doodles and street stickers to elaborated graffiti and murals, which are hiding in almost every street.
Currently, I am working as a freelance photographer, writer and licensed tour guide on my “Zagrebist” project, focusing on the local graffiti and street art scene.
Happy to have become a Street Art City Hunter! :smiley:


Welcome Doris! Happy hunting!


Hi Doris, thank you for your introduction! :slight_smile:

Hope you enjoy your time here and make beautiful connections along the way


Thanks for the great introduction and of course welcome to this crazy hunter community :wink:

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I have never been in Zagreb but im def looking forward to after seeing all the amazing streetart I could find on the map.
Thanks Doris!!! Happy hunting!

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