Hello from the English Lake District

Hello everyone,

New member here from Cumbria England. Lucky enough to live in the Lake District but will be hunting mostly in Carlisle I guess. A good friend has been instrumental in bringing artists from far flung places to the city to brighten it up a little. I’ve been documenting the works going up as a personal record and the opportunity to share with a wider community wasn’t going to pass.

I like to travel with my French wife and our kids and it goes without saying we all love Street Art. I’m a collector, with more than a passing interest in a number of French Artists (in particular Seth, Dran & Blek) as it feels kind of right that my kids growing up in the UK are surrounded by French creativity and culture.

Still finding my feet here so may well be asking some inquisitive (and probably quite daft) questions.

Looking forward to making acquaintances with some like minded people and possibly hitting you up for advice when we come and visit your towns and cities.

