Hello from Rotterdam!

Hi guys,
Nice to meet all of you! My name is Łukasz and I’m from Poland but currently living in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
For the last few years, I was traveling around Europe looking for the best street art and right now I’m super excited about the possibility to share it with you! Moreover, I have a plan to travel the length and breadth of my new home country to seek and catch new street art.

If you want to get a little bit more knowledge about me, visit my Instagram account: @boch3n (link: https://www.instagram.com/boch3n/).

Happy to join, regards!

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Welcome to our community. Can’t wait to see that Rotterdam map updated.

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Holy shit, check that guys pictures out ey, impressive Lukas! Really great touristy but cool pictures. Also +1 on that post by Tim, Rotterdam could use some help updating! Looking forward to see your pictures on the Rotterdam map, gald to have you here :slight_smile: