Hello from Munich, Germany

Hello everyone,

my name is Carina, 26 years old, and I am from Munich /Germany.
I’m studying art history (M.A) at the LMU University in Munich. Also I work in a street art /urban art museum here in Munich for two years. Since then I am working there, I’m interested in street art, I like to research and write about it e.g. at the university. My bachelor thesis topic was about street art/ urban art/ women street artists .

I like to research about it, but… I really love to explore Munich (and of course other cities, too) and discover art on the street, like a hunter, and take pictures of it. On my Instagram account (@carina_artcircus) I like to share all kind of street art motifs from Munich and around the world. For me it is very important to document it, because it is a beautiful and finite art and I think “Street Art Cities” is a good way to document it.

I really appreciate it to be part of this great community! :slight_smile:

Servus and greetings from Munich :slight_smile:



Welcome to this crazy community

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Nice to meet you. Great to have you hear, thanks Carina!

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Grüssgott Bavarian! I love your city and 2 hours to the south even more :wink:

Totally cool to see you did a thesis on street art, we’re slowly being connected to more and more uni’s and researchers. Might be a cool idea to create a library of some kind…?

Enjoy this platform!

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@Bart I know the south of Bavaria is beautiful :slightly_smiling_face:

That would be a great idea to create a library and that you make contacts with universities is also great!
I am planning to write my master’s thesis (next summer) about street art. But I’m not sure yet about the exact topic.