Hello from Monterrey, México

Hello from Monterrey, México

My name is Héctor Adrián, i’m a lawyer.

My work makes me spend a lot of my time in the streets.

Last year i started with a hobby (take pictures of streetart) that turned out to be more interesting than i thought.

It has allowed me to know the incredible work of people who express their art in a wide variety of styles and disciplines.

You can see all of the streetart yhat i found in my instagram @donmoorales.

Nice to meet you all.

Hi Héctor,

Greetings and cool to have you around. What type of lawyer are you if you can roam the streets during work?

Have a great stay and let us know how you like it here :pray:

Hi Bart.
Thank you very much, I am very happy to be part of the community.
And regarding your question, im a lawyer specialized in family law, and the reason I spend a lot of time on the streets its because I must be constantly moving between different government agencies, which allows me to find different works of urban art jajaja
Have a greet week. :+1:t2: