Hello from Los Angeles

My name is Mike Franks and I’m delighted to be accepted as a mural hunter as I’ve been using the Street Art Cities app for awhile to find murals in cities while traveling (I’m retired) and in different parts of Los Angeles.

The first mural I ever discovered was around 1978 while riding a bike in West Los Angeles and finding this mural by the L.A. Fine Arts Squad in the back of the post office. It was called “Isle of California”

A couple years ago I started posting a mural photo every day on Instagram.com/uclamikefranks/ with the name of the artist and the mural location, and anything interesting I could find out about the mural. Then I write to the artist to ask if I got anything wrong, and a friend wants me to ask what kind of paint they used. Surprisingly, many respond, and sometimes they help me track down other artists. The research is fun and I learn a lot.

Also it’s turned into quite a good excuse for wandering around cities (and occasionally silos in the countryside) looking for murals. Street Art Cities has been immensely helpful in this hobby of mine, and I hope to help your effort with photos from my travels.

As I sign off to the artists, best of luck with all your projects.


Hi Mike, welcome to the community! Love having you here, and looking forward to your uploads on the LA map!

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