Hello from Hanover, Germany

Hello everybody! I’m Volker Kemmling from Hanover, Germany. I am very happy to be able to show you a small part of my hometown. I have been photographing street art in Hanover since 1995 (I put my oldest picture in the history). Since I love to travel, I also photographed street art in other cities, primarily in Berlin and Hamburg, but also in Santiago, Valparaiso, Lisbon, Brussels or London. My main focus is less on the murals, but on paste-ups and stencils. In the street art map of Hanover, however, I only put photos of murals. In addition to street art, I also photograph street. You can see some of these photos on Instagram: @volkerkemmling. I posted galleries with street art photos on Facebook under my name. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them, but you have to put up with my restrictive English. Best regards from Hanover, Volker

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