Hello From France <3

Hello Everybody,

I’m a new member of the large Street Art Hunters Familly.
Ma passion for the graffity is pretty new, few years ago when i made my first graffiti with a friend. He tried to teach me but i’m not so skilled !
My others passions are hip-hop music (Soundcloud addict <3), parties, travels and of course Video-games !

Last things, my friends and i organized a graffiti festival in our small town (Sommières, 30250) for the second time and we hope to create more project like that !
Pictures will come in the app next few days, stay tuned :wink:

(Like you noticed, my english is appromative like every french people ! Be kind with the little boi i’m ! haha)


Whats up Nikolas Tesla! Great name you got and cool to see you are joining!