Hello from Buenos Aires!

Hello everyone, I hope you are well! Very happy to share our passion for street art! I am a lawyer and I work in this beautiful city and I want to show all the great artists we have!
From a very young age I liked art in general, I love drawing and I am currently doing a muralism workshop.
I really enjoy taking pictures of the different works that we have in our streets, for me it is a way to disconnect with the daily routine and help the promotion of all our great artists

Nice to meet you!


Hi Flor, glad to have you as part of the community. Do let me know if there’s anything I can help with, and happy hunting!

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Hola Flor. Soy Aldana Monaldi. Soy nueva en la comunidad. Vivo en Bsas pero “cazo” para La Plata. Me gustaría estar en contacto contigo para ayudarnos mutuamente.
Espero tu respuesta.

Hola Aldana mucho gusto , como andas!? dale obvio! no hay drama, ahora con el tema del COVID 19 medio que se trunco todo, soy de CABA , pero estoy para lo que necesites! no se por cual medio quisieras mantener contacto! instagram tal vez? decime vos!

Hi there Flor! Cool to have you on board, and cool to see you are actively getting involved as well! What type of law are you practicing?

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Hi Bart! how are you? nice to meet you! i get my college degree on public international law and i am part of an academic team in a subjetc in the University of Buenos Aires , right now now i am working in a company dedicated to the rights to retirement and pensions and I am specializing in computer law so I am doing a postgraduate degree on this matter with an emphasis on intellectual property law on software, digital art, among others.

yes! I would have liked to be able to go hunting but we are still in isolation due to the issue of COVID 19, (90 days at home locked up already) so I am prevented from leaving home until further notice from our government.

I am interested in studying more about the legal nature of street art and I would like to be able to teach our artists to defend their art and that they have enough tools to do so, therefore I am developing a personal project to teach and share my knowledge from the law and to help artists of all kinds.
Could you recommend readings, documents or papers in this regard? Or maybe tell me about your experiences or problems that have been presented to you?

Greetings from Buenos Aires

Thanks a lot!

best regards


Dale Flor! me costó llegar hasta acá! no encontraba cómo entrar! estuve cargando material que tengo de cuando se podía salir! mi instagram es @nanaaldi
No se si esto lo leen todos o solo vos! no puedo entrar desde el celular a la app, cuando comienzo a querer buscar una ciudad se cierra la app. Tengo iphone, no se si a vos te pasa lo mismo.
Agregame a instagram cuando quieras ahí voy a responder más rápido porque lo hago del celular y no tengo que prender la compu.
Si lo leen otras personas, hola a todos! y quien quiera agregarme a instagram será un placer!
