Hello from Bogotá

Hi Everyone.

I’m Alejandro, from Santa Marta in the caribean coast of Colombia but living in Bogotá, the capital of the country.

I’m Documentary filmmaker and University teacher (in filmmaking and new media topics) and have been hunting and collecting streetart, graffitis and stencils of every format since 2006 when I were living in Barcelona (one o f the best street art cities for me). I’ve colected around 5000 photos in kind of 20 cities in 5 countries.

I think that the best way to know a city it’s looking at its walls. And that’s why I kept collecting this kind of expressions and the reason why when I arrive to any city the first questions that I make is “Where’s the graffiti zone? do you’ve any graffiti tour?”.

Last year I’ve started this project called “Mil Muros” that means “A thousand walls” in spanish where I’m starting to share my archive, my idea is to make a web and a book in 2018 where this whole art can be find.

Anything you need here in Bogotá just tell me, in Social media you can find me in Twitter and in Instagram.

Saludos to everyone.



I’ve already been you’ve been uploading.
I like that Attitude.
We started officially in march and now have 8000+ artworks live in 150+ cities.
Would be great if we reach 10.000 by the end of the year.:grinning:
Just to keep you motivated :wink:

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Good introduction, nice to have you here. I see there’s a lot of serious and creative people on board with interesting jobs/companies and ambition as well. Looking forward to get to know more about you and the map you’re running. Let us know if we can somehow help create exposure for your book!

Goodluck and see you around!


Thanks to both of you for the welcome.

It’s great to be part of a community of people with same interest around the street art.

Thanks for the interest in helping to shout out the voice of ‘Mil Muros’. When it has more advance I’ll let you know for sure.

Keep in touch. Saludos.

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Buenas Alejandro,
Estuve en Colombia el año pasado y me dieron a elegir entre el caribe y Bogota. Obvio elegí Bogota, donde saque un montón de fotos y compartí convivencia con stinkfish y toxicomano.
Va creciendo la comunidad en español.

Un abrazo grande!

// I dont have the idea if i only can publish in english? or just for a welcome is possible publish in spanish.

Just in case…

Hi Alejandro,
I have been in Colombia last year, and i need to choose the caribbean or bogota, and of course i choose bogota for take a lot of photos of street art. I share flats and moments with stinkfish and toxicomano.
Is very important to me that the latin american community grow up.


Hola Alejandro!
Fellow Colombian here, residing in Denmark.
I am also in the media business, and was recently in Bogotá. Oh, it’s so full of art now!
You can find me on instagram as @msneverstop

Let me know if you are planning on visiting Copenhagen at some point. Your project sounds beautiful!