Hello from Angers

Hi everyone. My name is Lucie. I work for the town of Angers and organize a Street art event called “Echappées d’art”. I’m delighted to be a part of this community


Hi Lucie,

I’ve already seen some artworks uploaded. Nice job, maybe we can be of assistence in the future to help you promote this wonderful festival even more.

Thank you. I have 4 or 5 other works realized last year to upload and we are currently working on programming in 2019, beautiful surprises to come…
What do you propose to promote the festival even more? :smiley:

Welcome Lucie, perhaps we will meet in the future …

Hi @Lucie
A read differents users that organize events and festivals. I was the producer of differents events, but next year is my first festival, i think i was a sort a general producer or director in this occasion.

Do you have some rules that you think are important to start?

Greetings from Argentina

Nice to have you here Lucie!