Hello, from a new member from Zwolle

Hi There, i’m a new Hunter member and i’ll try to find some great artwork in and around Zwolle.
Glad to be part of the club.

Happy hunting, Ferry


Hi Ferry, welcome to SAC! Happy hunting to you :grinning:

Greetings from Rotterdam :metal:

Thanks you Edwin, many great finds to you too!

Kind regards, Ferry

Looking forward to see the Troste Muren on the platform. Welcome to the family

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Thanks you i hope to get some great walk up here! :yum:

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How can we not love Hollands most impactful city, hiphop-wise! Great to see you here Ferry. Enjoy our community and show the rest of us how cool Zwolle is!


Welcome to Street Art Cities:p

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Hi Stef and Bart thanks you for welcoming me😃