Have to send email link each time to login

Cannot access with sending email each time and other cities in App do not appear unlocked
Please assist
Thanks DKJ


So you’re having trouble singing into the app? Make sure to sign in with the email address you’re also using for the hunter dashboard, and make sure to open the link in the email on your phone where you have the Street Art Cities app installed.

If it’s still not working - would you mind giving me some details about what type of phone you’re using (Android/iOS), what version of the app you have, and what happens when you press the link in the email? You can do so in a private message if that’s easier.


Hi Thomas
I have link saved in browser on iPhone 13 Pro Max on version 16.1.1
I have to enter email each time see screenshot, then get email and link works, but have to do each time I upload new photo?

On the App it’s asking me to subscribe to get full access see screenshot

All done on my phone, via browser App email

Kind regards
David DKJ

No further response received ?

Apologies, totally missed your reply!

On Safari on iPhone, unfortunately cookies are removed every 7 days, hence the need to sign in again every couple of days. This is a privacy measure Apple has implemented to make it harder for advertisers to track users, but a bit unfortunate for websites like Street Art Cities.

On the app, you should stay signed in, and in the new version that will be released next week there will be a ‘Hunter’ button in any city you manage so that you can jump in immediately without having to sign in again.

Not sure why the app is prompting you with the ‘All Access’ subscription though, as a hunter you get access to all cities. Would you mind trying signing out and in again once more in the app?

Hi Thomas
Logged out and back in after sending email and using that to get into App
But still same see image

Bizarre! What email address are you using to sign in to the app? Is this the same one as your hunter account?

(feel free to send me a private message if you prefer not to share your email here!)