Has there been another cleanup overnight?

I noticed that overnight many cities artwork totals on the All Cities view have dropped again, for example Melbourne’s went down from 1355 to 1307.

Has some sort of cleanup occurred, or has the count for this screen changed or something?

Whatever the issue was seems to have corrected itself.

Hello @Andrew_Haysom, I’ve been working on a solution for this issue and made updates to the logic yesterday. This change applies not only here, but also in other areas of the platform, such as the hunter dashboard and city insights ( not live yet in those areas). The current logic is now focused exclusively on artworks, excluding legal walls and similar elements. Additionally, it filters out any artworks marked with the ‘removed’ status.
This solution should be live for the entire platform sometime this week.

Hope this helps!

Noa Heutz

So “Removed” artworks will no longer be included in the ranking? If so, then I think that may drive the wrong behaviour, I think that cities that don’t update their removed artworks should not benefit from that laziness over those that do.

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Benefit, laziness… rough terms again about the ranking… ;-).

Currently, there are 25 unhandled removed artworks.
Sometimes people don’t how to do it correctly, need some help, sometimes others has other priorities that moment and solve the removed a bit later? Which is perfectly ok in fact. One family, each his tempo, we help were possible. The smell of competition, a consequence of focus on rankings appears regularly.

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I see the numbers have all changed again, I wish I knew what was going on.

Hello @Andrew_Haysom, we’re currently in the process of refining these figures. Since they are updated through sequential jobs, some numbers have already been adjusted while others are still pending. Kindly allow us a week or two for all the figures to be accurately updated. Hope that helps

It would also be nice to know what the changes are that are being made and the reasoning behind why they are being made.

As I noted earlier, our present strategy is focused exclusively on artworks, intentionally omitting legal walls and similar features. This method also filters out any artworks marked as ‘removed.’ We are actively discussing further possibilities for future expansion. Should we arrive at an idea that is both correct and accepted by the community, we will bring it forward for discussion within our internal team, as it would constitute a significant technical change. For more insights and ongoing discussions, I recommend checking out City Ranking: new algorithm - #8 by Stef by @Stef.

Yes, I am familiar with that thread, indeed I participated in it, but it really just discussed different possibilities it did not lay out any agreed change of strategy.

Personally I find it important to remove art which is not there.

Example. When I took over Bergen (this Fall) and cleaned up the map, I had to remove some 110 artworks out of 254. Then go over all geotaggings to correct those that were off. Why? Well there was one art piece on top of a mountain which had been gone for several years (painted over). It was made by a well know local artist with an international audience and followers. The hike up the mountain would take 1,5 to 2 hours one way. What a bummer if you did the walk to see the art and it was not there.

Then there are elderly and disabled which use our map. Some even in wheel chairs. I feel we owe it to them and all other to provide a map as correct as possible. It might take quite some effort from impaired users to get to the spot where the art is. Myself I am classified as disabled, thereby I have some first hand insight.

At the same time I understand the difficulty for some to keep a sturdy “hand” in how to handle their efforts in maintaining the responsibility they have been granted. That’s just a fact of life. I recon each hunter has her or his profile kind of. As well as each city has it’s profile of what is being entered. Also here there are great if not huge differences. I looked in to just a few cities on the map. All this is what can be expected from a world wide nett work of pro bono idealists.

Do not find it a competition what we do. To me it is a curtesy to those who paint, our fellow street art lovers and hunters. It is also part of our common global cultural legacy.

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