Hallo from Nürnberg

Hi everyone,

I’m Len from Nürnberg. I’m going after Streetart for about two years now and was kind of infected during a stay in Athens, Greece. The scene there is quite outstanding. In Nürnberg itself there are maye not that many really huge projects, but quite a few ones and many smaller pieces, many of them quite hidden. But then it’s even more fun to find them.

I’ve seen some really outstanding things in Paris, Berlin and London and of course, Nürnberg can’t quite compete with that. But still, I like the idea of some people being out there, right in my hometown, who just want to express themselves and make this place a little prettier. Also I think, that the scene is growing and more and more pieces can be found.

So, it’s nice to be on board, I really like the idea and hope to catch up with some people who are also into all kinds of streetart.

Cheers from Nürnberg


Hi Len,

Welcome aboard this crazy community.


Hi Len, I am glad to see someone else was infected by Athens :wink:

Sadly, for the moment I have to wait until September for my next hunting trip there. Hopefully, from next year I might be able have more than one trip a year there.


Good evening Len!

Cool to have you on board! Also wanted to point out that you might as well become an important person for your city with this community and platform that you’re a part of now. It’s really easy connecting to the entire world basically with so much people from all around the planet doing the same thing. We see this happening in many cities. So if you need any advice, or any ideas on how to do tours, or to reach out to artists, or collaborate with the city on a street art project… just hang around here and ask for help :slight_smile:

In the meantime, enjoy and show us Nürnberg some more!


Hi and thanks :slight_smile:
Yeah, Athens is really just amazing. I always liked Exarchia most, but there just great places and Streetart pretty much everywhere. It’s also going to take me a while, until I can go again.

So, have fun in September :slight_smile:


Hi Bart,
and thanks! I really might ask a few things as I’m quite new here.
I’ll just reach out then.

I also have some shoots planend for the coming week in Nürnberg and will post them then.

So thanks again and Greetings from Nürnberg :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the street art family we call Street Art Cities. We’re happy that you joined and as Bart already told you; just ask if you need some help!!!

Cheers, Sanne

Welcome to this incredible adventure!!!

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